
1. My name is Jack.(我叫杰克。)
2. I h***e a pet dog. Its name is Max.(我有一只宠物狗,它叫马克斯。)
3. Today is Monday.(今天是星期一。)
4. I like to play *** with my friends.(我喜欢和我的朋友踢足球。)
5. My f***orite color is blue.(我最喜欢的颜色是蓝色。)
6. I can swim in the pool.(我可以在游泳池里游泳。)
7. The cat is sleeping on the chair.(猫正在椅子上睡觉。)
8. I h***e two sisters and one brother.(我有两个姐姐和一个弟弟。)
9. We went to the park and played on the swings.(我们去了公园,在秋千上玩耍。)
10. My f***orite fruit is an ***le.(我最喜欢的水果是苹果。)
1.The spaceship warned Li Yanping and me to be ready as we were ***roaching (靠近) the "black hole". as--时间状语
2.We could see some faint lights around what looked like an empty space. what--宾语
Li Yanping said, "That empty hole is like a mouth always needing to be fed. said 后,“ ”里=宾语
4.Those lights are things that are being pulled into it by the gr***ity of the hole. that -定语
5.We watched with interest and amazement at the lights which seemed to be going fainter and fainter round the edge of the black hole. which -定语
As the spaceship moved round the black hole, I felt rather sick. as -时间状语
All the stories about what h***ened when you were caught by the gr***ity of a "black hole" seemed to be true. what -宾语;when --时间状语
8.We realized that we had discovered something new about "black holes". that -宾语
If you go inside the edge of a "black hole", it will "eat" you and there is no escape; but if you do not, you may h***e an opportunity to escape. How exciting! if - 条件状语
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