
- 求一篇英语作文,150--200词左右,主题是模仿高一必修一第一单元安妮日记的模板,写如果你生重病?
- 求一篇英语作文,150--200词左右,主题是模仿高一必修一第一单元安妮日记的模板,写如果你生重病?
Dr.Norman Bethune, born in Ontario, Canada in 1890, came to China in 1938. Then he presided the building of hospital and the establishing of the hygiene schools. He compiled various teaching materials and taught students in person. In the autumn of 1939, he intended to return back,but he g***e up in order to help the patients. He, due to the infection, died on November 25th. Though he h***e passed away, he is the hero in Chinese's mind and will be remembered by all the Chinese people.
Dr.Norman Bethune, born in Ontario, Canada in 1890, came to China in 1938. Then he presided the building of hospital and the establishing of the hygiene schools. He compiled various teaching materials and taught students in person. In the autumn of 1939, he intended to return back,but he g***e up in order to help the patients. He, due to the infection, died on November 25th. Though he h***e passed away, he is the hero in Chinese's mind and will be remembered by all the Chinese people.
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