

bsmseobsmseo时间2023-10-07 22:36:01分类高中英语浏览49
导读:大家好,今天小编关注到一个比较有意思的话题,就是关于高中英语单词表必修二的问题,于是小编就整理了2个相关介绍高中英语单词表必修二的解答,让我们一起看看吧。高二必修二英语单词?高中英语必修单词总结?高二必修二英语单词?1.cultral 文化的2.rare 稀罕的,珍贵的3.survive 幸免,幸存4.vase 花瓶5.dynasty……...


  1. 高二必修二英语单词?
  2. 高中英语必修单词总结?


1.cultral 文化的


2.rare 稀罕的,珍贵的

3.survive 幸免,幸存


4.vase 花瓶

5.dynasty 朝代


6.amber 琥珀,琥珀色

7.amaze 使吃惊,惊讶

8.select 挑选,选择

9.honey 蜜,蜂蜜

10.decorated 装饰,装修

11.jewels 珠宝 宝石

12.artist 艺术家

13.remove 移动,搬开

14.wooden 木制的

15.dou*** 怀疑,疑惑

16.former 以前的,从前的

17.rebuild 重建

18.local 本地的,当地的

19.apart 分离地,分别地

20.castle 城堡

21.entrance 入口

22.sailor 水手,海员


1. achieve: 实现,达成。例如,We need to achieve our goals step by step. (我们需要一步步地实现我们的目标。)

2. ***yze: 分析。例如,In order to solve this problem, we need to ***yze it first. (为了解决这个问题,我们需要首先进行分析。)

3. ***ropriate: 适当的。例如,It is ***ropriate to wear formal clothes to a job interview. (去面试应该穿正式服装。)

survey 调查,测验     

make a survey of sth.调查,纵观某事

add up /to together合计         

add sth.增加,补充说道/add sth. to sth.把。。。和。。。相加

add to=increase 增加,增添

add up to 总计达

upset 心烦意乱的,不安的,不适的(upset,upset)使不安,使心烦

be upset about使不安,使心烦,推翻,打乱,扰乱

Upset one’s plane  打乱某人***

ignore 不理睬,忽视             

calm (使)平静,(使)镇定,平静的,镇定的,沉着的

calm down (使)平静下来,(使)镇定下来

h***e got to 不得不,必须

Unit 1:
- ancestor
- archaeology
- evidence
- tomb
- ruin
- emperor
- dynasty
- gr***e
- conflict
- defend
Unit 2:
- capture
- edit
- proceed
- recite
- scenery
- ceremony
- demonstrate
- realistic
- audience
- audience
Unit 3:
- berry
- giant
- creature
- dinosaur
- evidence
- fiction
- hunt
- landscape
- moral
- myth
Unit 4:
- attract
- debate
- inspire
- frighten
- express
- influence
- achieve
- benefit
- recognize
- increase
Unit 5:
- ***
- colleague
- consumer
- dis***oint
- efficiency
- incredible
- manage
- official
- rather
- salary
Unit 6:
- adventure
- adventurous
- calm
- calmness
- collection
- collect
- disturb
- enthusiastic
- enthusia***
- importance
Unit 7:
- lung
- vessel
- vein
- artery
- heart
- pulse
- surgery
- transplant
- infection
- panic
Unit 8:
- airport
- alien
- astronaut
- comma
- costume
- exhibit
- fortune
- passionate
- refer
- genius
Unit 9:
- broaden
- civilization
- effort
- explore
- intensive
- pile
- proof
- scholar
- splendid
- wisdom
Unit 10:
- advice
- apologize
- ***oint
- arrange
- commit
- elect
- engage
- promise
- regret
- support


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