1. 首先,读完文章之后要搞清主旨意图,明确需要阐述的要点,整篇文章的逻辑结构以及每一段之间的联系。
2. 其次,读后续写中的内容需要进行扩展,用词和语法方面的运用要得当。
3. 最后,写作的结尾需要进行总结。
Once upon a time, there was a farmer named Niulang who lived in the countryside. He had a cow named Zhi Niu and a pair of geese named Zhi Gui. Niulang loved his animals dearly and would often take care of them.
One day, as he was tending to his animals, Niulang noticed that Zhi Niu had given birth to a calf. The calf was unlike any he had ever seen before - it had a white body and black spots. Niulang was fascinated by the calf and decided to name it Yinzhu.
As the days went by, Niulang and Yinzhu grew closer. Niulang began to realize that something was different about Yinzhu - it had the ability to talk! Niulang was amazed and delighted by this. He told Zhi Niu and Zhi Gui about his new pet and they, too, were amazed.
One day, Niulang was working in his fields when he heard a loud noise coming from the sky. He looked up and saw a beautiful woman in a golden dress. She introduced herself as Zhi Gui and told Niulang that she was his soulmate. Niulang was overjoyed and the two fell in
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